ROVER consortium's world-wide reach covers four (4) continents:
ROVER comprises of four (4) beneficiary universities:
CO1 - UOULU - University of Oulu, Finland
BEN2 - UNIFI - University of Florence, Italy
BEN3 - LSBU - London South Bank University, UK
BEN4 - OUS - Oslo University Hospital, Norway
Two (2) beneficiary SMEs:
BEN5 - JSB - JSB Solutions SRL, Italy (withdrawn from the project during the suspension caused by COVID-19)
BEN6 - ELA - Elaros 24/7 Limited. UK
BEN7 - UBT - UBT Tech SRL, Italy
The consortium has also engaged and will be supported by seven (7) third country partners:
OPE8 - YNU - Yokohama National University, Japan
OPE9 - UTS - University of Technology Sydney, Australia
OPE10 - AIT - Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
OPE11 - WPI - Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
OPE12- CWC-Nippon - University of Oulu Research Institute in Japan, Japan (end of business)
OPE13 - UN - University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
OPE14 - NITECH - Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
OPE15 - HCU - Hiroshima City University, Japan